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Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer?

More than 60,000 American men and women are expected to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2021. Between 5 and 10 percent of pancreatic cancers are hereditary. Mostly this condition happens randomly and oftentimes, by the time it’s diagnosed, it has spread making it difficult to treat.  Our team at Dignity Health in Arizona is making great strides in both the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer, including the use of advanced robotic surgery procedures like the Whipple. 

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Treatment Locations

At Dignity Health Arizona, our hospitals are staffed with experts in diagnosing and treating pancreatitis and malignant tumors found in the pancreas.

Diagnosing & Treating Pancreatic Cancer

Whipple Procedure Overview

The Whipple procedure, or pancreaticoduodenectomy, is the most common surgery to remove tumors in the pancreas. Surgery to remove a tumor offers the best chance for long-term control of all pancreatic cancer types. The Whipple removes and reconstructs a large part of the gastrointestinal tract and is a difficult and complex operation.

Find a local Pancreatic Cancer Expert

Doctors at Dignity Health hospitals are here to talk about your symptoms and concerns. We have the tools to diagnose and treat cancer of the pancreas, so you can trust the quality of our care.

Dignity Health offers a wide range of services for pancreatic cancer and other diseases of the pancreas, liver, bile duct and biliary system.

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