Cancer Prevention
At the Dignity Health – Cancer Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, we believe the best way to improve success rates is through prevention. Screenings for breast, colon, lung, prostate and skin cancer can help with early detection – which can save lives.
In some cases you may need a referral from your primary care provider. Don't have a primary care provider? No worries, Dignity Health offers many convenient primary care locations throughout the Valley.
Breast Cancer
Annual screening mammograms are recommended for women ages 40 and older. Your provider may recommend a different screening schedule if you’re at higher risk for breast cancer.
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Colon Cancer
The risk of colon cancer increases with age and family medical history of the disease. That’s why we recommend screening for everyone ages 45 and over.
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Lung Cancer
A low-dose CT screening for lung cancer may be recommended for men and women, ages 50 to 77, who are current or former smokers with a smoking history of 20 pack-years. A referral from a provider is needed for a low-dose lung CT screening.
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Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer screenings are recommended for men ages 55 years and older, and those at high risk, particularly African-American men. Talk to your provider about the risks and benefits.
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Skin Cancer
Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer, and it’s especially common here in sunny Arizona. And residents who are older, have fair skin, blue eyes, or a history of cancer are even more at risk. Ask your provider for more information about skin cancer screenings.
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Our goal is early detection.
The best prevention is routine screenings. Schedule an appointment today!
Cancer Genetic Risk Assessment
Our genetic risk assessment includes education, counseling and genetic testing for hereditary cancers, such as breast, ovarian, colon, pancreatic and prostate cancer. A board-certified genetic counselor will assess your individual cancer risk and arrange for genetic testing if desired and indicated.
Cancer Registry
St. Joseph's maintains a comprehensive cancer registry that collects data from every cancer patient to help public health officials learn more about the disease. The registry is managed by certified cancer registrars who receive ongoing education in cancer data collection.
Colon cancer screenings
A colonoscopy is an important step to prevent colon and rectal cancer. Your primary care provider can refer you to the Dignity Health – Cancer Institute at St. Joseph's for a colonoscopy exam. To schedule your colonoscopy, please call (602) 825-2039 and ask to speak to the colonoscopy scheduler. Download information about how to prepare for your screening here. A spanish version is available here.

Clinical Trials
St. Joseph’s is dedicated to research and find better treatments for cancer, with hopefully one day – a cure. To enhance patient care, our clinical trial coordinators work with the physician, patient and family to help coordinate participation in clinical trials for which the patient might be eligible.
The Dignity Health – Cancer Institute at St. Joseph’s is proud to offer a comprehensive Women’s Imaging Center to our community. Screening and diagnostic imaging plays a vital role in the early detection and treatment of an illness and in developing a patient’s individualized treatment plan.
For more information or to make an appointment, please call (602) 825-2039.
Multidisciplinary Tumor Board
Our tumor board allows a multidisciplinary team of doctors who are experts in different specialties to review and discuss the medical condition, treatment options, and individual needs of our patients. Physician participants may include medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, pharmacists, and support care services, such as social workers, dietitians, and genetic counselors.
Multidisciplinary Approach to Cancer Care
Precision Medicine
In January 2018, the Dignity Health – Cancer Institute at St. Joseph's launched a Precision Medicine Oncology Program through a partnership with the Precision Medicine Alliance (PMA), LLC – a joint venture between Dignity Health and Catholic Health Initiatives.
The PMA Precision Medicine Oncology Program, which was piloted with the Cancer Center, is enabling a higher level of patient care by building genomics-guided information solutions for our providers and staff. By creating a central hub of patient clinical and genomic information, the PMA provides decision support work streams and patient-specific opportunities that enhance the work of the Cancer Institute's dedicated physicians.