Social Media Community Guidelines
We welcome you to our social media pages and encourage your participation and contribution.
Our social media pages are intended for social information sharing only and are not intended to provide professional or medical advice. If you seek help, please contact a medical professional.
- Be respectful and contribute to the community
To ensure our online communities are constructive, this is a moderated online discussion area. All posts are subject to review.
We reserve the right to remove a post.
A post that does any of the following is not permitted:
- Attacks other users, promotes bigotry, racism, sexism, hatred or harm against any group or individual, or promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age
- Contains inflammatory religious or political content
- Is hateful, tortuous, defamatory or libelous
- References or links to a page or website that may be harmful or not beneficial to the community
- Violates or infringes upon the copyrights, trademarks, privacy, intellectual property, right of publicity or other rights of any person or entity
- Contains language or pictures that contain gratuitous nudity, are sexually explicit, lewd, obscene, graphic and/or potentially offensive to the community
- Solicits community members for businesses, organizations or support unrelated and/or not relevant to the community
- Hijacks a post with unrelated content or is otherwise off-topic
- Promotes alcohol abuse, illegal drugs or substances
- Promotes any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous
- Is unlawful or in any violation of the law
- Protect your own safety and privacy, and the privacy of others
If you believe a post is objectionable, please contact [email protected] and include a link.
Protecting your privacy is paramount to us. Please refrain from including personally identifiable information or protected health information (including your address or phone number) in public posts. For your own privacy, we also advise you to turn off the geo-locator on your device and not to reveal your location or room number on social media while you are at one of our facilities.
Should you choose to post your own personal information, we accept no responsibility for usage by third parties, and we are not liable for any damages, losses, liabilities, judgments, costs or expenses arising out of a claim by a third party relating to any material you have posted.
It is also not permissible to post photos of or identifying information about any of our personnel if you have not received explicit permission from such individuals to do so.
We reserve the right to remove your comment or post, and to block or remove access to repeat offenders of this policy.