Dignity Health is a Family Affair for These Proud Moms
CENTRAL COAST, CA – May 10, 2020 – On Mother’s Day, proud moms celebrate sharing employment alongside their sons and daughters at Dignity Health Central Coast hospitals and clinics. It was through their dedication and commitment to compassionate care that their children decided to pursue careers in the medical field.
“My mom’s compassion in life has influenced me early on to carry on in life as an adult,” says French Hospital Medical Center Clinical Laboratory Scientist, Kristin Justice about her mom, Marian Regional Medical Center Radiologic Technologist, Frances Justice. “She has inspired me to work with a cause in health care.”
The two generations often work in different departments or different hospitals, but share an appreciation for health care and giving of themselves to care for others.
“My mom has shown me excellent work ethic and longevity,” says Marian Regional Medical Center Medical- Surgical Nurse Meranda Maratas about her mom, a billing specialist supervisor for Dignity Health Home Care, Hospice, and Infusion. “She has been with Marian Regional Medical Center and Dignity health for more than 30 years and always brings great morale to her co-workers, and I try to do that on my floor with my nursing co-workers.”
The duos share a love for caring for our community, and do it alongside one another at Arroyo Grande Community Hospital, French Hospital Medical Center, and Marian Regional Medical Center, and Dignity Health’s Pacific Central Coast Health Centers.
[Top Photo: Left - Lauren and Lisa Abeloe, both of Marian Regional Medical Center, Center - Mother and Daughter, both French Hospital Medical Center employees, Right - Jazfer Bolusan with mom Eva Bolusan, both of Marian Regional Medical Center]
About Dignity Health Central Coast
Dignity Health Central Coast is comprised of five award-winning hospitals, all recognized for their quality of care, safety and service, primary care offices, premier ambulatory surgery centers, technologically advanced imaging centers, outpatient services, and comprehensive home health services. For more information, visit dignityhealth.org/centralcoast.