For Patients
Inpatient Admissions
Most inpatient admissions are on an emergent, unscheduled basis. For emergent admissions after hours, please go to our front door and use the phone to speak with the Nursing Supervisor on duty who can arrange for a behavioral assessment and mini-registration, if needed.
If your insurance information is not available at the time of admission, your family is encouraged to bring your information in as soon as possible. Upon receiving your insurance information, our admissions staff will verify benefits and request authorization for services, if necessary.
If you or anyone accompanying you are unsure about your medical condition, please contact your medical provider or go to the nearest urgent care center or emergency room.
For information on registering for our Partial Hospitalization and Outpatient Services, please call 209.938.0831 during regular business hours.
About Your Stay
When you are admitted to the hospital, you'll be assigned a room in an area of the hospital that specializes in the type of care you will need. If your clinical needs change during the course of your stay, it may be necessary to change your room accordingly. Most rooms in the hospital are semi-private.
As of June 1, 2015, St. Joseph's Behavioral Health Center is a smoke-free facility. Ask your nurse about nicotine replacement therapy, if needed.
What to Bring
Please leave valuables such as wallet, purse, or jewelry at home. Bring in your driver's license/photo ID and all insurance cards. Please bring a current copy of your Advance Directive if you have one.
For your comfort, you may wish to bring:
- Robe and slippers
- Three changes of comfortable clothes, underwear, and socks
- Comfortable shoes without shoe laces (no high heels)
- Jacket/sweater
- Toiletries are available from the nursing staff if needed. Personal toiletry items may be secured. Plastic containers only, and no bar soap, please.
- List of current medical and psychiatric medications, if possible.
Due to the nature of our services, we do not allow patients to be in possession of any of the following items:
- Glass (including mirrors)
- Any items including cosmetics which may contain alcohol
- Hair picks, curling irons, long straps, belts or ties, lighters, matches, glue, sewing or knitting supplies, pocket knives or other sharp objects, or handguns
- Any electric devices from home, including cell phones, tablets, and computers
Please note a washer/dryer is available for patient use, and disposable razors, hair dryers and curling irons are available upon request.

At Dignity Health, we want to be the safest place possible for our patients and for our caregivers.To increase our safety we need to do more than just create new policies and procedures, we need to strengthen our culture of safety, so that doing the safe thing is always top of mind.
The 18 Dignity Health Hospitals across the Southern California Division are on the journey to becoming Highly Reliability Organizations (HRO) committed to improve safety by first understanding why people make errors and then training our teams with tools that help people reduce the everyday mistakes that we all make. When these tools are used all the time, hospitals become reliably safe.