Dignity Health’s Central Coast Service Area Provides $350,894 in Grant Funding to Community Non-Profit Organizations
CENTRAL COAST, CA – January 31, 2020 – The Dignity Health California Central Coast Division, which includes Marian Regional Medical Center (MRMC), Arroyo Grande Community Hospital (AGCH), and French Hospital Medical Center (FHMC), is proud to announce it has awarded $350,984 in grant funding to four unique community non-profit partnerships in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara County. Representatives from each organization were invited this morning to a breakfast where they were presented with checks to help aid in the critical health and human services they provide to county residents.
Grants are awarded through a Community Grants Program created by the Dignity Health California Central Coast Division’s parent company Common Spirit Health. The intent of the annual community grant program is Criteria for this funding cycle were based on the following priority areas identified in the hospitals Community Benefits Report and Plan and Community Health Needs Assessment: Educational Attainment (MRMC service area only), Access to Primary Care including Behavioral Health, Access to Dental Health (FHMC service area only), and Aging, more Mature Population, and Chronic Disease Prevention and Management.
This year, the Dignity Health Community Grants were awarded to the following local Accountable Care Communities:
A-G For All!
Program Description: This accountable care community is seeking to facilitate higher education attainment through youth leadership and advocacy. Future Leaders of America, Inc. (FLA) is seeking to align the college prerequisites for UC’s and CSU’s, known as the A-G’s, with the high school graduation requirements. This work will be done through the unique and effective year round peer to peer youth leadership programming. FLA will also work across sectors to uplift education outcomes and increase health literacy in Santa Maria.
Fiscal Agent: Future Leaders of America, Inc. (FLA)
Members of Accountable Care Community (ACC): Future Leaders of America Inc., Santa Maria Joint Union School District, Education Trust-West, Truth In Recruitment, CAUSE, Marian Regional Medical Center
Basic Needs and Resources-Navigation for the Estero Bay Community
Program Description: This accountable care community will create a caring network of social services for poor and vulnerable aging population through the Los Oso Cares Senior Outreach Program. This includes outreach, and one-on-one navigation services to vulnerable seniors, low income families and homeless individuals in Los Osos, Morro Bay and Cayucos (area known as Estero Bay).
Fiscal Agent: Los Osos Cares Resource Center Inc.
Members of Accountable Care Community (ACC): Los Osos Cares Resource Center, Transitions Mental Health Assoc., Alliance for Pharmaceutical Access Inc. (APA), St. Benedicts Episcopal Church, and French Hospital Medical Center
Dental Care Access and Services Expansion for Uninsured and Underinsured Adults
Project Description: This accountable care community will provide comprehensive dental care and a dental care home to uninsured and low income adults; provide dental crown/implant services not covered by Medi-Cal to underinsured and low-income adults; provide additional supportive services and collaborative partner/community referrals to ensure available resources and programs are utilized by eligible program participants, and; expand dental care access and resources for uninsured/underinsured and low-income adults in North County.
Fiscal Agent: SLO Noor Foundation
Accountable Care Community (ACC): SLO Noor Foundation, SLO County Public Health Department, People’s Self Help Housing ,Central Coast Dental Society, Arroyo Grande Community Hospital, Hearst Cancer Resource Center, and French Hospital Medical Center
Senior and Caregiver Support
Program Description: This accountable care community will work together to provide a whole person approach to services for vulnerable seniors and their family/friend caregivers in North Santa Barbara County. In-home screenings for depression and basic needs will be conducted for up to 150 homebound and disabled seniors.
Fiscal Agent: Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County
Accountable Care Community (ACC): Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County, Community Action Commission of Santa Barbara County, Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens, Catholic Charities Marian Regional Medical Center
About Dignity Health Central Coast
Dignity Health Central Coast is comprised of five hospitals, all recognized for their quality of care, safety and service, primary care offices, premier ambulatory surgery centers, technologically advanced imaging centers, outpatient services and comprehensive home health services. Hospitals in the Dignity Health California Central Coast Division include Arroyo Grande Community Hospital in Arroyo Grande, French Hospital Medical Center in San Luis Obispo, Marian Regional Medical Center in Santa Maria, St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital in Camarillo and St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Oxnard. Each hospital is supported by an active philanthropic Foundation to provide additional funding to support new programs and services, as well as to advance the community’s access to health care. For more information, visit dignityhealth.org/centralcoast.
Publish date:
Friday, January 31, 2020