Dignity Health Keeping Expectant Moms Connected
CENTRAL COAST, CA – May 9, 2020 – Dignity Health Central Coast hospitals French Hospital Medical Center (FHMC) and Marian Regional Medical Center (MRMC) are keeping expectant moms connected to classes and support groups during COVID-19. During this already uneasy time, perinatal education coordinators want to ensure women preparing for a baby feel supported and informed about the delivery process and beyond.
“We want to continue providing the excellent prenatal education we always have, despite the pandemic,” says Marian Regional Medical Center Perinatal Education Coordinator, Jeannie Rife, RN. “Using an online platform is meeting a need within our community for expectant moms, and we are grateful to have the ability to keep them connected and comfortable about the birthing process.”
The classes and support groups are hosted electronically via Zoom and Webex, and are proving to offer both comfort and education to expectant parents. Tours of the birthing centers, childbirth preparation, infant care basics, and breastfeeding classes are all being offered online, making it convenient for parents and reducing risk.
“These pregnant families are going through so much protecting themselves, they deserve extra kindness and compassion,” says French Hospital Medical Center Nurse and Childbirth Education Coordinator, Tamra Winfield-Pace, RN. “Virtual classes help the connection. These are special little babies being born and that is a gift of hope we all can use right now.”
Both FHMC and MRMC provide comprehensive education courses to expectant parents prior to birth, as well as support programs beyond childbirth. For additional information about our prenatal classes, visit: www.dignityhealth.org/centralcoast.
[Photo: Jeannie Rife hosts Zoom class for expectant mothers.]
About Dignity Health Central Coast
Dignity Health Central Coast is comprised of five award-winning hospitals, all recognized for their quality of care, safety and service, primary care offices, premier ambulatory surgery centers, technologically advanced imaging centers, outpatient services, and comprehensive home health services.
Publish date:
Saturday, May 09, 2020