$80,000 Raised at 6th Annual Comedy Night
There were several amazing live auction items including: VIP 49ers season passes, Golfing at the Olympic Club, Napa wine getaway in a private jet, and much more. The event themed, “Give, Laugh, Love” raised more than $80,000 for programs, services and capital needs of AGCH, including advanced technologies for the emergency department, patient monitoring and emergency response equipment. The success of the event would not have been possible without the generosity of the Loriana Ranch, the 20 volunteers, 15 local restaurants and wineries and the support from the more than 175 guests who came out to enjoy the evening.
About Arroyo Grande Community Hospital
Located in Arroyo Grande, California, Arroyo Grande Community Hospital is a comprehensive acute care hospital and is home to the Joint Replacement Center awarded distinctions by Blue Shield and is the exclusive provider of joint replacement care for CalPERS on the Central Coast. The Emergency Department is one of the county’s busiest and nationally acclaimed for quality and patient satisfaction. Arroyo provides the only comprehensive hospital-based Acute Rehabilitation Center on the Central Coast. AGCH is a Dignity Health member of the Central Coast, which also includes French Hospital Medical Center in San Luis Obispo, CA and Marian Regional Medical Center in Santa Maria, CA. Each hospital is supported by an active philanthropic Foundation to support new programs and services on the Central Coast. For more information www.arroyograndehospital.org, www.frenchmedicalcenter.org or www.marianmedicalcenter.org
Publish date:
Friday, June 21, 2013