Proud Dads Work alongside Kids at Dignity Health Central Coast
CENTRAL COAST, CA – June 21, 2020 – This Father’s Day, proud dads celebrate sharing employment alongside their sons and daughters at Dignity Health Central Coast hospitals. It was through their dedication and commitment to compassionate care that their children decided to pursue careers in the medical field.
One family of four, all Dignity Health Central Coast employees, consists of two daughters and both mom and dad working as nurses. With their father Mike working in the ICU at French Hospital Medical Center, and mom Retta a medical/surgical nurse at French, daughters Tayler and Carly wanted to pursue careers in nursing due to the influence of their parents.
“Tayler, the older of our two daughters, works right alongside her dad in the ICU at French Hospital Medical Center,” says mom Retta. “His career in nursing allowed him the schedule to be a present father, and the girls wanted that for their own families.
At 19, after already being interested in a nursing career, Tayler received a stethoscope for a birthday gift, which also piqued the interest of her younger sister Carly. Both ended up completing nursing programs and entire the family is now employed at Dignity Health Central Coast.
The two generations often work in different departments or different hospitals, but share an appreciation for health care and giving of themselves to care for others.
The duos share a love for caring for our community, and do it alongside one another at Arroyo Grande Community Hospital, French Hospital Medical Center, and Marian Regional Medical Center.
[PHOTOS: LEFT: Kalina Seybold with dad Donald Mclean; MIDDLE - Carly, Mike, Retta, and Taylor; RIGHT: Lauren Arola with dad Ed Pennington]
About Dignity Health Central Coast
Dignity Health Central Coast is comprised of five award-winning hospitals, all recognized for their quality of care, safety and service, primary care offices, premier ambulatory surgery centers, technologically advanced imaging centers, outpatient services, and comprehensive home health services. For more information, visit dignityhealth.org/centralcoast.
Publish date:
Sunday, June 21, 2020