Academic Excellence Day at St. Joseph's Reaches 5th Anniversary
More than 150 participated in the 5th Annual Academic Excellence Day on May 9 and the awards were given the areas of Case Reports, Clinical Research, Outstanding Medical Students, Clinical Case Reports, Research Reports and Patient Safety. The event was sponsored by a grant from MICA, a physician-owned and directed mutual insurance company.
"Academic Excellence Day is one of the most exciting events we hold at St. Joseph's every year," says Jaya Raj MD and co-chair for the event. "It gives us an opportunity to showcase the very best work in research, patient care, and patient safety being done by our faculty, residents, students and nurses. We come together as a community to learn from each other, support each other's work, and celebrate the incredible talent we have in our nurses and physicians in training."
St. Joseph's Department of Academic Affairs began in 1936. It was the first American Medical Association recognized internship in the state of Arizona. "Academic Excellence Day provides a unique opportunity for those in the St. Joseph's community to share the scholarly work in which they are engaged. Such an event is consistent with the values of the organization and of the professions of medicine and nursing. In addition, the topics and strategies displayed and discussed are focused on improving outcomes for our patients, which is our highest calling," says Carol Hatler, PhD, RN and co-chair of the event.
This year's winners are listed below:
Case Reports
1st Brian Beck, MD, Neurology PGY-3
Post-Ictal Lateralized Hyperkinetic Motor Behavior
2nd David Hill, MD, General Surgery
Minimally Invasive Robotic Right Hemidiaphragm Plication: A Case
3rd Courtney Schusse, MD, Clinical Neurophysiology/Epilepsy Fellow
Hemispherectomy in Adults with Intractable Epilepsy: A Report of 5 Cases
Clinical Research
1st Rohit Khanna, MD, Diagnostic Radiology PGY-2
Tarlov Cyst Prevalence in PudendalNeuralgia
2nd Christopher Dardis, MD, Neuro-Oncology Fellow
A Bayesian approach to the Analysis of Clincal Trial Data Using Logistic Regression: Example from a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trail of Propranolol for Migraine Prevention
3rd Lisa Hughes, RN, MSNEd., CNOR
Comparing Forced-Air Warming Devices
Outstanding Medical Students
1st Megan Hamre, MSIII
A Rare Case of Breast Carcinosarcoma with Lymphatic Metastasis
2nd Staci Shepard
Cogenital Cytomegalovirus Improved with Hyperimmune Globulin Therapy in an HIV Positive Mother
3rd Mario Mitkov
The role of HLA Genotype in Carbamazepine-induced cutaneous reactions
Clinical Case Reports
1st Mohan Kumar, MD, Internal Medicine PGY-3
An Uncommon Cause of Cholestatic Hepatitis - Epstein Barr Virus
2nd Shaghayegh Khayambashi, MD, Internal Medicine PGY-2
A Devastating Complication of Newly Diagnosed Granulomatosis with Polyangitis
Research Projects
1st Eric D. Woolf, BNI Research Fellow
The Ketogenic Diet Potentiates radiation Therapy in a Mouse Model of Glioma: Effects on Inflammatory Pathways and Reactive Oxygen Species
2nd Varun Mehta, MD, Internal Medicine PGY-2
Cell Phone Text Messaging to Support Diabetes Mellitus self-management
Patient Safety
1st Nicole Hooft, MD, General Surgery PGY-2
Saccadic Eye Movements Reflect Surgical Resident Fatigue Level
2nd Dawn Flynn, RN, BSN
Infection Prevention: A Case for the Disposable Telemetry Lead Sheath
Publish date:
Wednesday, May 22, 2013