Dominican Hospital Seismic Upgrade and Modernization Project
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Dominican Hospital Pavilion
Expanding your state-of-the-art hospital, right here in Santa Cruz.
In 2022, Dignity Health Dominican Hospital is expected to begin an expansion and improvement project that will include a much-needed parking garage, conversion to all private rooms, reconfiguration of the existing emergency department, additional operating room space, and many other enhancements.
Current Updates
- On June 8, 2021, the project was unanimously approved by the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors.
- On May 12, 2021 the project was approved by the Santa Cruz County Planning Commission in a 5-0 vote. For detailed information on this action, you may click here to review the Staff Report.
- On April 28, 2021 we hosted a Neighborhood Meeting on Zoom to give neighbors, staff members, and the general public an opportunity to view renderings and speak with hospital leadership and project designers about improvements proposed for Dominican Hospital.
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Dominican Hospital Seismic Upgrade and Modernization Project