Disaster Resource Center
Mercy Medical Center Redding is the Shasta County Disaster Resource Center for the greater Redding area. Charge nurses and nurse managers from every hospital are required to complete Incident Command System (ICS) online courses. ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses are available online through the Federal Emergency Management Training Administration (FEMA) website.
Mercy Medical Center Redding is Unique
Our hospital staff takes its disaster training and education very seriously. Staff is encouraged to take free on-campus courses and train in disaster drills at least twice a year. Periodically throughout the year staff evacuate the hospital units, wear protective suits, learn about disaster equipment and drill with other community agencies.
Pediatric Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness (MGT-439)
The 2010 report by the National Commission on Children and Disasters identified a training gap for emergency responders, first receivers, and emergency management personnel that reduced their effectiveness in responding to pediatric patients and their unique needs/considerations. This course addresses pediatric emergency planning and medical response considerations through a combination of lectures, small group exercises, and a table-top exercise.
- Introduction to Pediatric Response
- Emergency Management (EM) Considerations
- Implications for Planning and Response
- Functional Access Needs Considerations
- Mass Sheltering
- Pediatric Triage and Allocation of Scarce Resources
- Pediatric Reunification Considerations
- Pediatric Decontamination Considerations
Venue | Jurisdiction
Course Length | Two days (16 hours)
- Community and Hospital based Emergency Managers
- EMS Personnel
- Hospital Administration and Emergency Room Personnel
- Public Safety / Public Health Personnel
- School Administrators
- MRC Personnel
- Private sector
- Law Enforcement
- Disaster response/relief personnel
- County, State, and Federal personnel who respond to a local jurisdiction disaster event
- FEMA / SID Number
- Students must register and bring a copy of their SID number to class. Register online: cdp.dhs.gov/femasid
Continuing Education Credits
- IACET - 1.6 CEUs
- AAFP - 13.25 hours
- ENA - 15.5 hours
- TX-DSHS-EMS 16.0 hours
Location | Mercy Medical Center Redding
Date | April 3 & 4, 2019
Time | 0800 - 1700
Point of Contact | Kenneth R. Luke
Phone | (530) 225-7944
Register | [email protected]