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Specialized Craniotomy in Southern California

Craniotomy is the first step in any brain surgery. The procedure involves creating a flap of scalp to expose your skull, then removing a piece of bone temporarily to obtain direct access to your brain tissue.

Craniotomy can be a life-saving procedure for brain tumors, aneurysms, or other conditions that requires brain surgery.

The highly skilled surgeons at Dignity Health Southern California hospitals perform expert craniotomy surgery. Our caring doctors, nurses, and staff are fully committed to delivering personalized care. Use our online Find a Doctor tool to make an appointment to discuss your options for craniotomy in Southern California.

Why We Perform Craniotomy Surgery

A craniotomy may be performed to:

  • Repair a skull fracture
  • Treat epilepsy or hydrocephalus
  • Remove a brain tumor, cyst, or blood clot
  • Repair blood vessel abnormalities such as aneurysms or arteriovenous malformations
  • Implant a medical device such as a deep brain stimulator for Parkinson’s disease

What to Expect with Craniotomy at Dignity Health Southern California

Prior to your craniotomy surgery, your care team will give you thorough instructions on how to prepare. We understand that brain surgery can feel scary, and we want you to feel as comfortable as possible.

Craniotomy is considered major surgery. Your surgeon will make an incision in your scalp and skull bone to access your brain. When the brain surgery is complete, your surgeon will secure the bone and suture the scalp back in place.

During an “awake” craniotomy, you may be asked to follow simple commands such as raising a hand. This helps your surgeon understand how stimulating certain regions of your brain affects your motor skills. You will not experience any discomfort, and your anesthesiologist will put you back to sleep after the exercise.

Care Throughout Your Craniotomy Recovery

After your brain surgery, you will be moved to a recovery area, then to an intensive care unit. You will remain in the hospital for several days and receive pain medications. It is normal to experience facial swelling.

You’ll have follow-up appointments with your Dignity Health Southern California doctor to make sure you’re healing properly. Trust us to to provide advanced neurological care before, during, and after your procedure — personalizing your treatment every step of the way.

Dignity Health doctors perform expert craniotomy in Southern California.