Stories And Events For April 2013
Barrow Stressing Sports Safety to Young Athletes and Parents
April is National Youth Sports Safety month and Barrow is encouraging parents and athletes to be educated about the risk of youth sports injuries such as concussion. "Approximately 7,000 high school students suffer a concussion every year," says Javier Cardenas, MD, concussion expert at Barrow. Sixteen-year-old soccer standout Hayli Todd-Starck knows all too well the consequences of concussion. Todd-Starck has suffered four concussions and the competitive goalie, who is being recruited by Division 1 colleges, is at risk of giving up the game if she sustains one more concussion. Dr. Cardenas, Todd-Starck and her mom are available for interviews. Dr. Cardenas can speak about effective safety tips parents and students should take into account. Call (602) 406-3319 to schedule.
Surgeons Take a Time-Out from Surgery for Barrow Olympics
World-renowned brain and spine surgeons at St. Joseph's Barrow Neurological Institute will take a time-out from surgery to compete in a two day tournament known as the Barrow Olympics. Surgeons will come together for a variety of athletically challenging events which build moral and camaraderie including dodge ball, basketball, tennis, volleyball, and flag football. The event will take place on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20 in North Phoenix. Stay tuned for more details.
New Treatments Cure Hepatitis C Patient
Mesa resident Judy Teeters was recently cured of hepatitis C after having lived with the disease for more than 40 years. Teeters was among the first patients to receive a new treatment for hepatitis C at St. Joseph's. The hospital has one of the only liver programs in Arizona specializing in the early treatment of the disease. The federal government recently recommended that all baby boomers be tested for hepatitis C. Baby boomers are five times more likely than other adults to carry the virus and many don't know they are infected. Call (602) 406-4734 to schedule interviews.
Behind-the-Scenes Look at Lung Transplantation
In honor of National Donate Life Month, St. Joseph's is offering a unique behind-the-scenes opportunity for reporters to interview the mastermind behind its acclaimed lung transplant program. From her office at St. Joseph's, Brandi Krushelniski, BSN, constantly searches the nation for donor lungs for her desperately ill patients. Once found, she orchestrates the minute-by-minute complex delivery of the precious organs to Phoenix and the precise moment they enter the operating room. The miracles the surgeons have produced in St. Joseph's 175 transplant patients would never have occurred without the dogged determination of Krushelniski, who literally goes to the ends of the Earth to save patients. Call (602) 406-3312 if you're interested in this story.
For more information or to schedule a story, call Carmelle Malkovich at (602) 406-3319.
Publish date:
Tuesday, April 09, 2013