Expertly Diagnosing Quick Onset Symptoms in Arizona
Symptoms that develop very rapidly can range in type and severity. These quick onset symptoms — or acute symptoms — may require emergency medical care because they can signal a serious condition.
At Dignity Health, our knowledgeable doctors can identify all types of quick onset symptoms in Arizona. If you would like to request an appointment, Find a Doctor near you.
Types of Quick Onset Symptoms
When you visit the ER with acute symptoms, be sure to provide as much information as you can. This will help determine your diagnosis and guide your treatment.
Types of acute symptoms include:
- Bleeding
- Severe headache
- Chest pain
- Seizure
- Shortness of breath
- Vertigo and dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Paralysis
- Syncope (fainting)
- Confusion
- Severe eye pain
You should always use caution and seek care when you have quick onset symptoms. Tell your doctor when the symptoms started, what you were doing, and what makes the symptoms better or worse.
If you experience heart attack symptoms (c)hest pain and shortness of breath or symptoms of a stroke (a)rm weakness on one side, slurred speech, and facial paralysis, call 9-1-1 right away.
What Causes Quick Onset Symptoms?
The main cause of quick onset symptoms is an underlying medical condition. Many diseases and disorders can lead to quick onset symptoms. These health problems can be mild or very severe.
Conditions that cause acute symptoms include:
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Asthma
- Severe allergic reaction (a)naphylaxis
- Epilepsy
- Gastric ulcer
- Stomach ulcer
- Influenza (flu)
- Glaucoma
- Esophageal varices (a)bnormal, enlarged veins in the esophagus
- Epiglottis
- Aortic aneurysm
- Pulmonary embolism
- Cerebral hemorrhage
If you visit a Dignity Health urgent care center or emergency room for quick onset symptoms, your health care provider will perform tests to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. Following these evaluations, your doctor can create a personalized care plan, based around your personal needs and preferences.
If you need to go to the ER, use our InQuicker™ online tool to select your estimated hospital arrival time and wait at home until your time to be seen. Upon arrival and check-in, you will see a nurse who will assess your situation and determine the next appropriate level of care.
Dignity Health offers reliable care to diagnose and treat sudden acute symptoms in Arizona, as part of our emergency services.