What to expect
Length of Stay
Each patient is unique, and their rehabilitation journey will depend on the severity of their impairment and limitations in function. Therefore, the length of stay for rehabilitation varies based on medical condition, goals of the patient, progress and a number of other factors. You and various members of your support team can expect to participate in a team meeting within the first week of admission to discuss the patient's individualized goals and discharge needs.
Our Program
Dominican's Acute Rehabilitation program provides 3 hours of therapy per day at least 5 days per week, plus additional therapeutic activity as needed. We also provide the following as indicated
- Training to improve mobility and ability to do daily tasks
- Individually tailored exercise program
- Cognitive/engagement activities and therapy
- Speech therapy, to address difficulty speaking or swallowing
- Eye exercises,to address a loss of vision or visual disturbances
- Balance training to decrease fall risk
- Coordination of care with other medical providers
- Spiritual care
- Psychological services
- Pre-discharge home evaluations
- Robotic gait training
- Overnight trial for patient and caregiver in ARU independent living room
- Diabetic education with Dietician and and therapist
- Weekly meetings with care team to plan for discharge
Family and Caregiver Involvement
Families and caregivers are also a part of a patient’s care team, so It’s important that our patients and their families feel as comfortable as possible while participating in the rehabilitation process. Most patients will require assistance and/or supervision from their family or caregiver once they are discharged, so we request that they participate in education and training sessions throughout the patient's stay.
Visiting Hours
Visiting hours at the Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit are flexible, but may be revised due to Covid conditions. It is preferably between 4 to 8 p.m., but is subject to change. The majority of the day is filled with therapeutic activities. Visitors are welcome to come and observe therapy as long as it doesn’t interfere with treatment and patient progress.Usually late afternoons and early evenings are times when they are able to visit.
Most rehabilitation patients are discharged to the community setting, either home with family and caregivers, to a board and care facility or an assisted living facility. It is important that you plan to have some level of assistance when you return home.
You will be contacted after discharge to follow up on your treatment. You may receive follow-up calls to check on your progress starting within 3 days and continuing up to 3 months post discharge. We want to ensure you are continuing to progress and offer any assistance we can.