Trauma Survivors Reunite with Medical Teams that Helped Save Their Lives
Redding, CA. - If you are critically injured you may have less than 60 minutes to survive, it’s called the “Golden Hour.” The golden hour refers to the period of time following a traumatic injury during which there is the highest likelihood that prompt medical and surgical treatment will prevent death. A trauma patient is someone who has suffered a life threatening injury for example, a car accident, gunshot wound or fall.
Mercy Medical Center Redding is the only Level II Trauma Center in the North State. When a trauma patient first comes to Mercy, many times they may be unconscious and have no idea who was responsible for saving their life, or the faces and names got lost among the dozens of people fighting to save their life. From the caregiver perspective, medical professionals may have no idea of the impact of their role in saving a patient, or whether that patient even survived.
On Monday, May 20 trauma patients are invited to come back to Mercy Medical Center Redding and share their story of survival, road to recovery and reunite with the medical team that saved their life, for the first time since their accident.
Monday, May 20
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Mercy Medical Center Redding
2175 Rosaline Ave., Redding
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About Dignity Health North State
Mercy Medical Center Redding, St. Elizabeth Community Hospital in Red Bluff, and Mercy Medical Center Mt. Shasta are Dignity Health North State hospitals sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy of Auburn. The hospitals are passionate about patient care, committed to community outreach, advocates for the underserved, and dedicated to delivering quality, affordable health services to those in need. In 2018, the Dignity Health North State Hospitals cared for more than 90,000 people and provided more than $21 million in community benefit to the region we serve. The hospitals also offer a broad array of outpatient services and the senior services of Connected Living. Visit www.mercy.org to learn more.
Publish date:
Thursday, May 16, 2019