Chief Nurse Executive to Compete in Dancing with the Stars Shasta County Style
This year will feature the first ever husband-and-wife team. Kim Shaw, the Chief Nurse Executive and Vice President of Patient Care Services for Dignity Health, will compete alongside husband Neil Shaw, a retired Sheriff’s Deputy.
This event is modeled after the popular show on ABC and will feature six community members who are paired up with dancers to compete for both the People’s Champion and the Judge’s Choice Awards. As each couple dances across the stage, audience members can vote with their wallets and even make donations online for the event which benefits the lifesaving services of One SAFE Place.
One SAFE Place has a mission to help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault by providing support, safety, and services. As a victim of an abusive relationship many years ago, Kim is committed to helping others overcome the cycle of violence in order to build healthy families, children, and communities.
“Abusers make you feel like it’s your fault. When you realize it’s not you; you can put your life back together,” Kim says. “Women need to see that there’s hope, they deserve to be treated well, and life is better when you refuse to be a victim.”
A Red Carpet Arrival is scheduled at 6pm, and the event is expected to last until 9 pm. Tickets are $10-$25 and are available online now at cascadetheatre.com. For more information go to and to vote for Kim and Neal Shaw with your donation today, go to www.ospshasta.org/voteforkim.
Publish date:
Friday, June 10, 2016