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Dignity Health MS Achievement Center

Providing for the community and improving quality of life.

Bill Maciej recently completed a virtual cycling ride of 175 miles for Waves to Wine, the National MS Society fundraiser. A lifelong San Francisco ‘49ers fan, he’s currently undertaking a cycling challenge called Tour of the Stadiums of the NFC West, a total of 5,188 miles.

These are remarkable undertakings for any individual at nearly 74 years of age — all the more so because Bill has been living with multiple sclerosis for more than 30 years and lacks use of his arms and legs due to the chronic condition which currently has no cure.

At Bill’s home, Thursdays are special. A paratransit van provides him with transportation to the Dignity Health MS Achievement Center in Citrus Heights, Calif., about 10 miles from his residence. At the Dignity Health MS Achievement Center, Bill has developed a core group of friends and acquaintances, bringing him out of the isolation he’d encountered when MS meant losing a job and the ability to socialize. It’s rare for Bill to miss a Thursday class; he’s been attending since the program began in February 2014.

In addition to Bill, the center serves approximately 70 participants in their own weekly five-hour blocks of activities aimed at maintaining or improving physical, emotional and cognitive wellness at whatever level is required. 

The MS Achievement Center

Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been living with multiple sclerosis for some time, the MS Achievement Center can help you take control of your health and achieve your wellness goals. Our programming features educational and physical activities that complement the medical management of your condition.

The MS Achievement Center operates on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Core activities run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. However, doors open at 8:30 a.m. and close at 4:30 p.m., allowing individuals to arrive early or stay late for elective activities.

Publish date: 

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

For Media and Press Related Inquiries

Media Contact: 

William Hodges 
Communications Director
[email protected]