Mercy Hospital of Folsom Continues to Invest and Grow to Meet Community Needs
The Folsom Telegraph highlighted Mercy Hospital of Folsom’s new MRI system. The new imaging equipment is an “open-bore MRI,” meaning that imaging patients won’t have walls around them, reducing anxiety for children and claustrophobic patients. Another benefit is that this open MRI has a higher image quality compared to older open MRI systems.
“We’re really excited that we have this new technology in our facility,” said Edmundo Castañeda, president of Mercy Hospital of Folsom and Mercy General Hospital. “The open MRI is a new edition to our campus facility and it allows us to care for patients who aren’t about to go through the other tube-type MRI. We are growing our hospital footprint and this goes hand-in-hand with our future plans.”
Publish date:
Wednesday, November 09, 2016