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LA Best Babies Network

"We plant seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise." — Archbishop Romero

LA Best Babies Network (LABBN) works with community partners in Los Angeles County to strengthen and support the health and resilience of expectant and parenting families. Launched as part of First 5 LA’s Healthy Births Initiative and based at Dignity Health California Hospital Medical Center, LABBN provides training programs and resources to ensure that high-quality perinatal and early childhood care and social support are available to all families throughout the county. Learn more at

Community Partners

LABBN provides training and technical assistance related to perinatal health and home visitation services to over 60 organizations in LA County.

Community partners include: Birthing hospitals, community clinics, community-based organizations, WIC, LA County Departments of Health Services, Public Health, and Mental Health.

Components of LA Best Babies Network

Welcome Baby and the Family Strengthening Network Home Visitation Programs
Welcome Baby is a free, voluntary service, providing special support for pregnant and postpartum women receive special support in the hospital and at home from nurses and other caregivers for up to nine months after birth. Welcome Baby parent coaches, all certified lactation educators, support breastfeeding as well as nutrition, healthy infant development, maternal mental health and home safety. They also introduce families to the wide range of services offered by Best Start LA, including direct referrals to community partners who provide parents support and education through home visiting programs that may work with families for up to five years. Funded by First 5 LA, the Welcome Baby program is active in 14 hospitals in LA County and the Family Strengthening Network Home Visiting Programs are offered through 22 community rel="noopener noreferrer" partners.
Learn more here.

Perinatal and Early Childhood Home Visitation Consortium
The Consortium is a network of about 50 organizations working to advocate for high quality support for parents and families throughout LA County so that our children are healthy, safe, and ready for school. LABBN coordinates and facilitates the work of the Consortium.

Perinatal Policy Work
LA Best Babies Network advocates policies that are proven to promote healthy pregnancies and births. Accordingly, LABBN tracks and shares data that demonstrate success for key perinatal outcomes. It also advances policies that improve rel="noopener noreferrer" interagency communication and collaboration. Learn more here.

LA Best Babies Network is a grant-funded community benefit of Dignity Health California Hospital Medical Center. 

For more information, please call (213) 742-6349.