We offer many services for both patients and visitors, to make your stay as comfortable as possible.
Visitors have always been more than just a “visitor.” They have been our partners in patient care. Research supports the value of having a loved one at the bedside for recovery and for safety. More importantly, a loved one at the bedside is simply the right thing to offer. We are grateful that the guidelines issued nationally and locally support our ability to make these visitation changes.
We’ve been providing acute care services to DTLA for more than 130 years. Now, we're expanding with the opening of our new patient tower, Grand Tower, featuring a dramatically expanded Emergency Department and Family Birth Center. Thoughtfully designed with increased patient comfort and privacy.
Valet parking at the main entrance of the hospital remains open and the hours of service are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The main hospital entrance is closed during the nighttime hours of 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. and visitors must use the Emergency Room entrance at 1401 Grand Avenue during these nighttime hours.
Visitors have always been more than just a “visitor.” They have been our partners in patient care. Research supports the value of having a loved one at the bedside for recovery and for safety. More importantly, a loved one at the bedside is simply the right thing to offer. We are grateful that the guidelines issued nationally and locally support our visitation practices.
There are times when staying the night is beneficial for our patients, visitors, and caregivers. Overnight visitation is possible only when a sleeper chair is available and in coordination with the unit leader and the House Supervisor. [Minors, 16 years and younger, are not permitted to stay overnight]
Isolation Patient Visitation is the same as it is for all other patients except that there must be PPE resources available as well as availability of a staff member to help with appropriately putting on and removing PPE.
For all inpatient visitation exceptions, please coordinate with the unit leader and the House Supervisor.
For all Emergency Department visitation exceptions, please contact the Nurse Shift Manager or Charge Nurse.
Approval will be based on a balanced approach of compassion and safety.
All visitors (for inpatient and Emergency Department) must be 12 years or older and be able to comply with the following rules (for children under the age of 12, please follow our exception process by bringing these requests to the Unit Leader and the House Supervisor):
Visitors for admitted patients must enter and exit the building via the main lobby and use the elevators near the main lobby security station.
Be free of any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or the flu such as fever, shortness of breath, cold symptoms, muscle aches, cough, or vomiting.
Use hand sanitizer to cleanse hands before entering and when leaving the room.
Stay in the room except to use the designated restroom, if needed during their visit.
Visitors are allowed in the lobby, to visit the gift shop, the coffee cart, and the cafeteria during open hours once they have been screened at a security desk.
Minors (16 years and younger) must be accompanied by an adult (not the patient) at all times.
NICU Visitation:
NICU visitors must wear a mask.
Siblings 16 and up may visit the nicu after completion of health questionnaires each visit.
All other visitors (non-siblings) must be at least 16 years old.
Addional restrictions during flu/RSV reason (Nov. 1 - Apr. 1) - all visitors are required to wear a face mask regaurdless of vacination status.
Flowers may be brought in by visitors, delivered to the hospital, or delivered by the hospital’s Gift Shop to all patient care areas except the intensive care units. When bringing fresh-cut flowers, please bring a vase or container.
Outside food is permitted as long as it is within the dietary restrictions of the patient. Food/containers must be disposable and eaten in the patient's room. Food delivery to the hospital is NOT permitted.
Due to the health sensitivity of our NICU patients, we take extra precautions to keep them safe during Flu/RSV season.
All visitors must be free from signs/symptoms of illness and will be screened prior to entry.
All visitors must be at least 16 years old.
All visitors are required to wear a face mask regardless of vaccination status. Thank you visitors and California Hospital Caregivers for being partners in patient care. We are called to see the vulnerable feel secure and to participate in the effort to help the sick feel well.
Los visitantes siempre han sido más que un simple “visitante.” Han sido nuestros socios en el cuidado de los pacientes. Los estudios de investigación respaldan el valor que representa para la recuperación y la seguridad del paciente el tener a un ser querido acompañándolo en la habitación. Aún más importante, el ofrecer que un ser querido se encuentre en la habitación es sencillamente justo. Agradecemos que las pautas emitidas a nivel nacional y local respalden nuestras prácticas de visitas.
En algunos casos, pasar la noche puede convenirles a nuestros pacientes, a sus visitantes y a sus cuidadores. Solo será posible pasar la noche con el paciente cuando se cuente con un sillón cama disponible y con el permiso del encargado de la unidad y de la supervisora de enfermería del hospital. A los visitantes menores de 17 años no se les permite pasar la noche.
Las reglas de visita de los pacientes en aislamiento son las mismas que para todos los demás, excepto que debe haber en existencia equipo de protección personal (PPE, en inglés), así como la disponibilidad de un miembro del personal para ayudar a poner y quitar el PPE de manera adecuada.
En casos de pacientes internos, es necesario obtener el permiso del director o gerente de la unidad y de la Supervisora de Enfermería de todo el hospital para que se pueda hacer una excepción a nuestras normas de visitas.
Favor de comunicarse con el Gerente de Enfermería que esté de turno o con la enfermera/o a cargo para averiguar todas las excepciones de visitas en el Departamento de Emergencias.
Todo visitante (a paciente interno o en urgencias [Emergency]) debe ser de 12 años o mayor y poder cumplir con las siguientes reglas (niños menores de 12 años, favor de acatar nuestro proceso de excepción ante la encargada de la unidad y la supervisora del sitio [House]):
Visitas a la UCIN / NICU:
Restricciones de UCIN / NICU, visitas en temporada de gripe / RSV (1 noviembre – 1 abril):
● Dada la sensibilidad y salud de nuestros pacientes en la UCIN / NICU, tomamos precauciones de más a fin de mantenerlos seguros durante la temporada de gripe y RSV. Por tanto todo visitante...
○ Debe llegar sin señales o síntomas de enfermedad y se le hará examen de detección al entrar.
○ Debe contar al menos con 16 años de edad.
○ Debe traer puesto la mascarilla cubrebocas, no importa su estatus de vacunación.
Photography and recording are prohibited without permission.
We value the privacy of our patients, visitors and staff. By law, we are required to put safeguards in place to protect all privacy. You may be asked to stop recording at the request of our hospital staff. Visual images solely for the personal use of the patient may be made by the patient or legal guardian in patient rooms at the discretion of the attending physician. However, hospital staff may not be included, unless the staff member has given his or her expressed permission.
Where are you located?
California Hospital Medical Center is located in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, right by the 10 and 110 Freeways, just a few blocks away from Staples Center and LA Live.
California Hospital Medical Center
1401 South Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Download Map
What is your phone number?
Our main phone number is (213) 748-2411. Our operators can transfer you to a department within the hospital or a patient room.
How do I register for my hospital stay online?
To register online, visit our Pre-Registration page.
Can I pay my bill online?
Yes, online bill payment is available. Please visit our Billing & Payment section.
How do I access the My Care (Patient Portal)?
It's easy. Please visit our Patient Portal page.
Our goal is to provide the best possible care during your hospital stay. Meeting and exceeding your expectations for quality care and service is very important to us, so please ask us if you or your family need anything during your stay. We are here for you.
We understand the important role family and loved ones play in the healing process, and we encourage visitors to come when it is best for their loved one. On behalf of the entire California Hospital team, thank you for the privilege of caring for you. We wish you good health and a fast recovery.
Our goal is to ensure that patients and visitors experience equal visitation and quality care regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, or disability.