Dignity Health – East Valley CME Accreditation
Dignity Health - East Valley CME Department is accredited by the Arizona Medical Association aligned with Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s).
The CME Department adheres to ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in accredited continuing education. The Standards are designed to:
- Ensure that accredited continuing education serves the needs of patients and the public.
- Present learners with only accurate, balanced, scientifically justified recommendations.
- Assure healthcare professionals and teams that they can trust accredited continuing education to help them deliver safe, effective, cost-effective, compassionate care that is based on best practice and evidence.
- Create a clear, unbridgeable separation between accredited continuing education and marketing and sales.
As an accredited CME provider, the Dignity Health - East Valley CME Office must be involved in the initial planning stages of any activity for which Category 1 Credit is sought. This occurs before dates, speakers, and activity content have been confirmed. It must occur prior to the preparation and dissemination of any activity announcements. For Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) only one application is required annually with overall all needs assessment and objectives.
All applications must be submitted at least three months in advance of the proposed activity dates.
Applications must be completed in their entirety and all appropriate documentation attached to be reviewed. Incomplete or hand written applications will be returned.

Types of activities
Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) - Department based educational activities which occur on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.
Live Activity - Live conferences (workshops, symposium, course, etc.) that are not offered on a regular basis.
Enduring Material - Printed, recorded or computer-assisted instructional materials. This may include journals or internet based activities.
Before you start the application consider the following:
- Determination of the Educational Need
- Who is the target audience for this activity? (PCP, MD, DO, NP, PA, RN, department, etc.)
- Why is this activity being planned for this audience?
- What are the gaps in clinical or organizational practice you wish to address?
- Indicate the methods used to determine educational need. Literature reviews, national guidelines, professional community needs and evidence-based medical resources are just a few of the methods that may be used to support the educational need of an activity. Supporting documentation for the methods used must accompany the CME application via link in application or email to [email protected].
- Indicate the practice gap that identifies the educational need. The practice gap is current practice versus best practice.
- Establish objectives once the educational need has been written. An objectives must describe the competency to be learned in performance terms. The choice of a verb is all-important here. Such frequently used terms as ‘know’, ‘understand’, ‘grasp’ and ‘appreciate’ do not meet this requirement. A list of verbs is provided in the application to assist you.
CME application
In 2020 ACCME released updated Standards for Integrity and Independence in accredited continuing education to ensure the education serves the needs of patients and the public, is based on valid content, and is free from commercial influence.
All planners, faculty, panelists and others who will be in positions to control content must complete the Disclosure Form.
Disclosure form
Once your activity has been approved, the CME Department will provide you with required forms and processes for compliance with ACCME Standards and Criteria. The CME Department will also attend any planning meetings to ensure compliance with accreditation.