Our Simulation Lab
Train with state-of-the-art lab equipment and high-tech simulation modalities
Our sim lab is located on the Chandler Regional Medical Center campus inside the Morrison building.
Address: 1875 W Frye Rd, Chandler, AZ 85224

One of our simulation resuscitation rooms stocked with high fidelity mannequins and task trainers for a realistic environment to practice those complex medical or trauma cases.

Our ultrasound compatible task trainer is meant for practicing paracentesis and identifying femoral vessels.

Practice lumbar puncture techniques on this realistic task trainer. Tricky arterial lines are made easy with this arterial line task trainer.

Using this high fidelity trauma mannequin, diverse trauma scenarios can be performed. With vital signs that can change in real time and bleeding capabilities, you can immerse yourself in the environment and practice like it’s the real thing.

Prepare for those difficult airways with our adult and pediatric airway intubation task trainers.

An example of one of our adult airway intubation training mannequin.

One of our simulated patient rooms with a high fidelity mannequin present.

Thoracic and Abdominal Ultrasound trainer with anatomy and ultrasound side by side images. Practice those FAST exams over and over with differing pathology. This task trainer is also capable of upper GI Endoscopy.

An example of one of our Pediatric airway trainers and intubation equipment.

Pediatric airway trainer and intubation equipment.

Trauma Man torso for chest tube and cricothyrotomy training used for ATLS certification courses and trauma simulation scenarios.

Central line training is made easier with our ultrasound guided central venous catheter insertion trainers.

Ultrasound guided central venous catheter insertion trainers.

An example of our maternal fetal simulation set up with a high fidelity birthing model and newborn mannequin with real time scenario-driven vital signs, and functioning newborn warmer.

Our New Born high fidelity mannequin with NRP certification capabilities.

Our High fidelity birthing mannequin with scenario driven real time vital signs.