For Patients
Admitting and Pre-Registration
Our goal is to make your arrival at our facility as smooth as possible.We encourage you to complete the following pre-registration form, so that you can save time and be better prepared for your visit to our facility.
Advance Directives
We encourage you to become involved in decisions about your care and to talk with your doctor and family about those decisions. Planning ahead in the event you cannot speak for yourself is especially important. An Advance Health Care Directive allows you to do this.
Billing Information
Welcome to the St. Joseph's Medical Center Online Business Office. The Online Business Office was created to provide you with information about the hospital billing process and about financial resources that are available to you.
Language Access Services
Dignity Health is dedicated to providing access to quality health care. Language access services are available to our patients free of charge, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year.
Medical Records
Accessing your medical records is easy using our online patient center. You can also download, fax or mail in your request for medical records.
Music Therapy
Our board-certified music therapist on staff is available to provide one on one and family-based services to our patients and their loved ones.
My Portal (Patient Portal)
My Portal (Patient Portal) is our patient portal where you can proactively manage appointments and securely message your health care team. You can view your doctor's note from your last visit, see laboratory and radiology results, and even get a list of your current medications. All your care needs, together in one place.
Online Patient Center
The Dignity Health Online Patient Center provides you with online access to your medical information on a convenient and secure site.
Patient Accommodations
We want your stay at St. Joseph's to be as comfortable as a hospital stay can possibly be. Learn more about what to expect during your hospital stay.
Patient Rights
As a patient at St. Joseph's Medical Center you are entitled to compassionate and professionally competent care delivered with respect for individual dignity.
Spiritual Care Services
As a service to our patients and their families, St. Joseph's Medical Center provides spiritual care for all faiths and traditions.

At Dignity Health, we want to be the safest place possible for our patients and for our caregivers.To increase our safety we need to do more than just create new policies and procedures, we need to strengthen our culture of safety, so that doing the safe thing is always top of mind.
The 18 Dignity Health Hospitals across the Southern California Division are on the journey to becoming Highly Reliability Organizations (HRO) committed to improve safety by first understanding why people make errors and then training our teams with tools that help people reduce the everyday mistakes that we all make. When these tools are used all the time, hospitals become reliably safe.