St. John’s Regional Medical Center to Host Easter Egg Hunt for Mom and Tot Group
WHEN: Wednesday, April 12th at 10 a.m.
WHERE: Garden at St. John’s Regional Medical Center
WHY: This event is held annually to bring the children together to celebrate Easter. This year, the egg hunt happens to fall on Good Wednesday. Each of the children in the group were born at SJRMC, as such the Easter egg hunt is also an opportunity for them to reunite with the nurses that cared for them during birth and spend time in the place where came into the world. The Mom and Tot Support Group meets two to four times a month on Wednesdays and is designed to prepare toddlers for pre-school by continuing social development while also providing moms a space to come together and learn through discussions with peers and a facilitator.
PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES: Capture the excitement on the children’s faces as they search for the prized eggs in the SJRMC garden.
Publish date:
Tuesday, April 11, 2017