Strong winds and local fires nearby. Travel with caution. 24/7 Emergency Services available at St. John's Regional Medical Center.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of the degree of your excess weight, based on weight and height. BMI is calculated by dividing body weight in pounds by height in inches squared and multiplying that amount by 704.5. This provides a metric calculation for BMI.
Height 5'4" = 64 inches X 64 = 4096
Weight = 240 pounds
240 ÷ 4096 = .058 X 704.5 = 40.86
Patient selection for weight loss surgery is based on the National Institutes of Health criteria:
The individual in the example above would be classified as morbidly obese and would meet the initial eligibility for weight loss surgery.
To learn more about our bariatric program, please call our program coordinator, Brenna Calabrese, MSN, at (805) 940-2765. To find a Dignity Health weight loss specialist that’s right for you, please use our online search tool: