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Meet our atrial fibrillation specialists

An electrophysiologyist is a cardiologist with specialized training on improper heart rhythm. Beyond general cardiology training, EPs undergo about 2 years of additional specialization training. Our primary goal is to track and treat errant electrical signals in the heart that may cause irregular heartbeats, also known as arrhythmias. EPs treat both fast heartbeats – tachycardia, and slow heartbeats, known as bradycardia.

Electrophysiologists have a range of diagnostic tools at their disposal, many of which a general cardiologist would not. These tools include monitors that track a patient’s heart rhythm over a significant period of time versus the traditional EKG that one would normally find in their physician’s office. These tools are helpful in understanding the type and severity of the arrhythmia. EPs are often consulted prior to certain patients undergoing heart surgery and for patients who may be experiencing unexplained fainting known as syncope. Most arrhythmias are best treated by an EP as well.


mohamad abdelrahman

Medical Director of Electrophysiology

mohamad abdelrahman

Medical Director of Electrophysiology