What We Do
We offer a multidisciplinary approach for patients at Northridge Hospital. We provide comprehensive pleural care and have skilled physicians, knowledgeable about numerous advanced bronchoscopy procedures. We encourage you to learn all you can about your disease so you can partner with us in treating and managing your condition.
Airway stent placement
An airway stent is a silicone tube or metal spring-like device that is placed to splint a focal area of narrowing in the airway due to a tumor or scarring. Patients are followed closely for removal once the tumor is treated. The stent can stay in for months to years, so patients are taught airway clearance techniques to avoid stent closure.
Electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy
This innovative technology outlines a dynamic map to the target nodule located in the periphery of the lung. A 3D map of your lung is generated using special computer software. A CT scan of chest with navigation bronchoscopy protocol is required for this procedure.
Endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscopy (EBUS)
A specialized bronchoscope (a long, flexible tube) with a small ultrasound attached at its tip allows for real time biopsy of lymph glands and tumors located adjacent to the airway. The procedure is now the standard of care for simultaneous diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. The procedure is performed under moderate sedation or general anesthesia.
Medical thorascopy and thoracententesis
We perform both flexible and rigid pleuroscopy to diagnose and treat pleural diseases. Only an 8 millimeter incision is made between two ribs to pass the scope into the pleural space. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and conscious sedation.
Pleural catheter and chest tube placement
Pleural catheters are used to treat patients who have chronic fluid build-up in their pleural cavity, or pleural effusion. Patients who elect to have a catheter placed in their chest can drain the fluid themselves in the comfort of their home – reducing or eliminating the need for frequent trips to the doctor’s office.
Thermal techniques including argon plasma coagulation (APC), electrocautery, and laser
APC allows for treatment of bleeding lesions, respiratory papillomatosis or other tumors within the airways.
Cryotherapy involves the destruction of airway tumors by freezing the affected tissues. Electrocautery uses thermal energy to de-bulk and remove tumors within the airway.
Learn more about Interventional Pulmonology at Northridge Hospital
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