Bazzeni Wellness Center
The Bazzeni Wellness Center is a place for older adults to socialize, participate in educational programs, receive human services and enjoy recreational activities. Designed to meet the special needs of the city's growing senior population, age 50 and older, the Wellness Center strives to provide adults with the tools to manage and maintain optimum health.
At St. Mary, we want to keep you healthy and active your whole life. Our Wellness Center does exactly that.
Ongoing Programs
SeniorFit Exercise Class
Moderate and advanced exercise class that includes stretching, aerobics and resistance exercises.
Ta'i Chi Chih Exercise
T'ai Chi Chih helps reduce body weight and regulate blood pressure; improves balance, coordination, flexibility and concentration.
Living a Healthy Life With Chronic Conditions
Free six-week workshop for anyone who wants to lead a healthier life, including caregivers, healthcare professionals and others who care for or live with someone who has chronic health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, arthritis, asthma or other illnesses.
Stepping On
Free seven-week workshop offers older adults a way of reducing falls and at the same time increasing self confidence in situations where they are at risk of falling. Participants learn how vision, hearing, medication and footwear affect your risk of falling and strength and balance exercises you can adapt to your individual level.
Matter of Balance
Free eight-week workshop emphasizes practical strategies to reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels. Participants learn to view falls and fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce risk factors and exercises to increase strength and balance.
Learn More
Call us at (562) 491-9811 for more information on any of the above classes, or email [email protected].