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Volunteering at Mercy Gilbert

At Mercy Gilbert Medical Center, our goal is to provide quality healthcare to our patients. Our volunteers play a very important part in our healing ministry, assisting our staff and providing that “personal touch” to our patients.

Who Volunteers?

  • Adults – Our adult volunteers represent all segments of the community. They reach out with their talent, skill, interest, and compassion to help meet the needs of Mercy Gilbert Medical Center. Whatever the skill level, we have a place.
  • Teens/Young Adults – Each summer, Mercy Gilbert Summer Volunteen program provides teens a great opportunity to learn leadership skills and make a difference in their community. If you are looking for a rewarding experience that includes helping others, learning about new healthcare careers, acquiring skills that will benefit you when you enter the workforce, Dignity Health is the place for you!

Benefits of Volunteering

Many of our volunteers were former patients. They were so touched by the personal care and kindness they felt while in the hospital, they wanted to be able to pay it forward by donating their time to others in needs. All volunteers receive the benefit of:

  • Making a difference in someone’s life
  • Participating in hospital events
  • Being an integral part of the healing teams at Mercy Gilbert
  • Developing new skills and interests

Adult Volunteer Requirements

  • Must be 19 years of age and out of high school.
  • A minimum 6-month/100 hour commitment is required.
  • Mandatory health requirements including Tuberculosis (TB) surveillance and flu vaccination.
  • Must agree to background check.

Get Started

Apply as an Adult Volunteer!

After your application has been received, we will contact you and set up a personal interview. If you are a teen, agest 14-18, visit the Summer Volunteen page for more information

Learn More About Mercy Gilbert's Volunteer Services

For more information, please call the Volunteer Services Department at (480) 728-7187.