Our Approach to Infant Feeding Care
One of the most important choices a new parent makes is how to feed their newborn. At Dignity Health, our physicians, nurses and breastfeeding support specialists are here to help you make the best choice for you and your family.
Our approach to infant feeding is guided by compassion, research, real-world experiences and the infant's and family's unique needs. It’s designed to help all families thrive, supporting both breastfeeding families and those who make an informed choice not to breastfeed.
More about our approach
One of the most important choices you will make as a new parent is feeding your newborn. Because every baby and family is unique, we work with you to create a feeding plan that is backed by research and follows our six guiding principles:
Human milk is the most natural way to nourish a baby.
Skin-to-skin contact helps babies adapt to their new environment.
Your feeding plan may include donated human milk or formula.
Premature babies and their families need extra feeding support.
Informed parents are more likely to succeed at breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding requires family support, knowledge and practice.
At Dignity Health, we help all families create a feeding plan, whether they choose breast milk, formula or a combination of both. We follow the latest scientific recommendations and stand by the following six guiding principles:
1. Promote breastfeeding for its health benefits.
We believe that human milk is the most natural way to nourish an infant. Babies who drink only breast milk have a lower risk of health problems, including ear infections, asthma, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and heart disease later in life.
2. Foster skin-to-skin contact for improved well-being.
3. Extend feeding support beyond breastfeeding.
Many NICU parents are overwhelmed and need special support to feed their infants. Our nurses and breastfeeding support staff educate families on how to use breast pumps and feed expressed human milk correctly.
4. Provide human milk to premature babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Many NICU parents are overwhelmed and need special support to feed their infants. Our nurses and breastfeeding support staff educate families on how to use breast pumps and feed expressed human milk correctly.
5. Teach, empower and support parents.
Our staff provides lactation support and education to help families meet their goals and feel confident in feeding their baby. Parents who know how to breastfeed and feel comfortable breastfeeding are more likely to succeed.
6. Build a strong breastfeeding foundation.
Support, knowledge and practice are essential for successful breastfeeding beyond the hospital walls. As families prepare to leave the hospital, our staff ensures they have the necessary local resources and information to continue their journey with confidence.
Nourishing your little one with love and expertise.
Most newborns are very sleepy the first 24 hours or so after birth. It is essential to wake your baby for feeding every two to three hours to ensure that he or she adjusts to the process and starts to eat. A feeding and changing log will be given to you in the hospital so you can track how much and how often your baby eats during the first few days to ensure proper nourishment. If you are breastfeeding, these frequent feedings are also the best way to encourage your milk to come in.
Breastfeeding Your Baby
The milk in your breasts at birth is very special milk called colostrum. It is a concentrated form of nutrition. Although colostrum is small in quantity, it is rich in nutrients and immunities. It is all your baby needs for the first few days. Colostrum alone is present until the third or fourth day after birth when the milk begins to come in. This is when your body begins to shift into the production of what is called mature milk, a transition that takes about two weeks to complete.
Breastfeeding is a natural process and for most new mothers and babies it is a learned skill. It's important to hold your baby and encourage your baby to breastfeed as soon as you can. Some babies will get the hang of it immediately and others may spend time getting acquainted. Even if you baby doesn't start nursing right away, continue to gently encourage your baby while you talk, touch and, most of all, enjoy these very special first moments together.
Bottle Feeding Your Baby
If you are unable to breastfeed or you choose not to nurse, it is important that you feel comfortable with your decision to bottle feed. There are several good formulas available that provide excellent nutrition.
Questions about feeding your baby?
Before you go home from Mercy Gilbert's Lund Family Birth Center our nursing staff and lactation consultants will make sure you have the education and skills needed to care for and feed your baby at home. For information on our prenatal, birthing and breastfeeding classes, call (480) 728-5414 or visit our Classes and Events section.