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Types of IRB Review

Regardless of which category of review may apply to your study, all human subjects research projects must be reviewed by a Dignity Health IRB and facility administration before any work can begin.

Full Board - Review of proposed research at a convened meeting where a valid quorum of IRB members is present.

Expedited - Review of proposed research by the IRB Chair or a designated voting member or group of voting members, rather than by the entire committee. Federal rules permit expedited review for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk and for minor changes to previously approved research.

Exempt - Exempt from the requirement for IRB approval when it is determined that the research does not involve human subjects. Human subjects regulations do not apply to exempt projects. Any research project involving human subjects thought to be exempt must be submitted to the IRB or other authority according to local procedures for determination of exempt status.

For additional information, please call the East Valley Regional IRB at (480) 728-3582.