Frequently Asked Questions
Download answers to the most frequently asked questions about our center.
Q. Will I have my own room?
A. You will have your own suite with a private bathroom, shower and toiletries. You will also have a television with premium cable channels.
Q. What if I need to wake early for work or personal reasons?
A. If you need to wake early for any reason, please notify your technologist before your test begins.
Q. What should I bring?
A. Feel free to bring anything you like to make your suite your own for the night. We have plenty of extra blankets and pillows for your comfort. Although pillows are provided, you may wish to bring your own. Bring your favorite blanket or even a picture of your family to place next to your bed. Wear or bring loose, comfortable clothing for sleeping. We want your stay with us to be as comfortable as a night in your own bedroom. In addition, please remember to bring current copies of your insurance cards, drivers license or a picture.
Q. Do I take my medications?
A. Take all of your regular medications on the day of your study unless otherwise specified by your physician. Please remember to bring any medications that you usually take before bedtime or when you wake up in the morning. We are an outpatient facility and do not have access to medications.
Q. Can I bring a drink or snack?
A. Please eat dinner before your arrive at the Sleep Center. You may bring your own snacks. Coffee, tea and juice will be provided in the morning.
Q. How does a sleep study work?
A. Once it is time to begin the study, you will be hooked up to approximately 20 small wires, which are held in place with tape and other adhesives. This takes approximately 25 minutes. All of these sensors help us measure your brain activity, heart rate, breathing patterns and oxygen levels. This is a non-invasive procedure and no needles are used in this process.
Q. Will I be able to sleep with all those wires on me?
A. Most patients say that once all the wires are on, they forget about them and have very little trouble sleeping. The wires are very small and organized. You have full range motion in your bed and are able to sleep in all positions.
Q. Can my spouse come?
A. Your friends and family members are welcome to stay right up until we start your sleep study.
For more information, please call 480.728.ZZZZ (9999).