Web Resources
Match Resources
National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) - information on the NRMP PGY-1, CMMP and MSMP residency matches
National Matching Services, Inc. - administrators of the osteopathic match for DO students (Our program does not participate in the osteopathic match)
AAFP family practice residency directory - listings of FP programs by state
FREIDA - Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database on the official AMA website
ERAS - the Electronic Residency Application Service
ACGME - The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education is responsible for the accreditation of postdoctoral medical training programs within the United States
Student Doctor Network - resources for medical students
AAMC - American Association of Medical Colleges
Medical Board of California - State licensing board for MD's
Osteopathic Medical Board of California - State licencing board for DO's
AOA match information - for DO students seeking an osteopathic internship, from the AOA website
Osteopathic Internship FAQ - frequently asked questions concerning D.O. student participation in the AOA and AMA match
National And Clinical Resources
PubMed - public access to the National Library of Medicine Archives
AFP online - The online journal, "American Family Physician," published by the AAFP
AMA - the American Medical Association
CDC - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dr. McNabb’s Medical Bookmarks - has just about any resource you could want catalogued
CMA - The California Medical Association
STFM - The Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
CAFP - The California Academy of Family Physicians
Palm Software: (free or shareware)
Epocrates - Online and mobile medical resources
Epocrates Rx - Free mobile drug reference with formulary information, a drug interaction checker, and continual free updates.
Family Medicine Residency Program
- Why Choose Our Program
- Sample Interview Day (Structured Virtual Interviews)
- Salary and Benefits
- Sacramento Area Resources
- Diversity and Inclusion Graduate Medical Education
Rural Family Medicine Residency Program
- First Year Residents
- Second Year Residents
- Third Year Residents
- Fellow
- Faculty
- Alumni
- Administrative Staff
- Mercy Family Health Center
- Methodist Hospital of Sacramento
- Mercy General Hospital
- Mercy San Juan Medical Center